Friday, September 9, 2011


Boy the last couple of months has really been a (well the only word I can think of is) Bitch.
First in July Molly and I were having a nice bike ride in Dearing Georgia. I saw a big black cloud miles off to our right and decided to head home. That cloud formed into a tornado, picked up a very large pine tree and dropped it on Molly and I. It destroyed the scooter, cracked my helmet and put a crack in my skull which left me with brain damage and I have a long recovery process before me. I spent 4 days in an Augusta Hospital not knowing a thing about Molly, talk about worry! The sheriff that came by took Molly in and cared for her. She is well and unhurt by the tree.
 In August Molly and I were moving between Jobs when I passed out on the Interstate and wrecked my camper and my Jeep which I was towing. I spent 5 days in the hospital before I found out that Molly was OK. I found out that I had suffered a heart attack. Talk about taking a bunch of pills! Durn! But I am still alive and Molly seems to be OK however as soon as I am able I am taking her to a Vet to make sure. That poor animal went through the same destruction as I and survived. Thank you Jesus.

 My outlook on life has really changed thru all this. With both accidents I did die and I was brought back to life with modern methods. But why? God has gotten my attention. I have something to do on this earth and I don't know what it is or even how to look for it. God loves me and He has work for me to do, so I am looking inside me first to find my faults and I will treat others like they are the most important person in the world and that includes the readers of this message. Please share your thoughts below.

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