Saturday, July 11, 2009

That other wall

The mexican president signed the controversial border wall bill into law. The wall, concieved as a way to stop millions of American assholes from entering Mexico each year has spurred nearly a decade of political debate. Construction is set to begin next month in Tiajuana, where each year many drunken, belligerant Abercrombie wearing assholes enter the country through boder checkpoints.
One local merchant complains " The Americans go around drunk and piss in the streets, and then they laugh so hard about it they shit themselfs and that stuff stinks. But others say it will hurt the local economy, many say these assholes do not assimilate to Mexican culture. If you ask one of those assholes who is the president of Mexico?" Almost 75% will say "Speedy Gonzales'

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought Speedy was the president