Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Movement

Concerned Americans trying to find their voices, and a way to channel their disgust. For some, anger has now turned to action.
It is the kind of action that helping the tea party movement.
We've heard, time and again, the characterizations in the news media, from some Democrats and, in certain cases, from our own friends and relatives — about how "those tea party-ers" are just angry voters venting about economic hard times, or we're confused, uneducated and easily influenced, or we're extremists, or, worst of all, we're racists.
To hear what motivates us, is to begin to understand what's going on in American politics in 2010.
Turns out that we have plenty to yell about. "Why are we in such dire straits?"
"This is not the direction that the country is supposed to be going," I say, financial bailouts, the stimulus bill, health care, immigration, foreign companies drilling for oil in the US. "Things are changing at warp speed in a way that's not going to be good. People are getting more involved.
I have gone from apolitical to antiestablishment activist.
What is my ultimate goal? "To make sure that I'm represented by people who are looking out for our rights and upholding the Constitution. ... And, if they don't, to make sure we have infrastructure to really take them out rather than have these thugs that are in there for 4, 8 years."
Whether the issue is damage claims from the Gulf or jobs created in Ohio, the public is hungry for tangible results
When I last voted for president that "CHANGE" I voted turned out to "'Change' (equals) More Debt, More Taxes, More Welfare, More Regulation, More Government, More Wasteful spending, MORE CORRUPTION. Yes I voted for you, you damn crook.Thanks Mr. President. You lying bastard.
This is how momentum — a "movement," even — can grow. Myself, on the ground, talking to others, writing this inspiring action and influencing votes.
Please read about the "Tea Party" and consider membership. We cannot accomplish anything along. But remember this, United We Stand.

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