Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Water to Gas Ha !

I am an expert mechanic with many years experience with internal combustion engines.
So when I am bombarded with internet adds and spam mail claiming that a car will run on water, well I just had to investigate that issue.
As usual Google proved to supply the necessary information and theory behind for my experiment.
With gas prices headed toward near record highs, many people are understandably looking for ways to cut costs at the pump -- and some sites can help you hunt down the lowest gas price in your neighborhood. But the Web (not to mention your inbox) is also brimming with dubious offers for free gas and schemes to save at the pump.
These car kits are hogwash. "All of these devices look like they could probably work for you, but let me tell you they don't even start to function.
"Use water as fuel, cut your costs by as much as 60 percent and makes the environment better and your car run better at the same time. These are schemes to take your money.
I know that we need a solution to cheap oil, and I am for nuclear energy to fuel our transportation cost. Plastic and other oil byproducts can be made from renewable sources. Home and industry energy should be created from solar, wind and water.
Gas is the cheapest form of energy
1940 gas was 12 cents per gal. Pay scale was 25 cents per hour 1 gal gas = ½ hour work
1950 18 cents pay 50 cents less than ½ hr work
1960 35 cents 1.50 ¼ hr work
1970 75 cents 3.00 ¼ hr
1980 85 6.00
1990 1.00 12.00
2008 4.00 25.00
We cannot continue to be dependent on foreign oil.

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