It has been quite a summer for Molly and I begining on the Atlantic coast in Nags Head North Carolina on May 1 2010 we swung south into South Carolina taking our time to get to North Georgia.
I tried to visit every State Park in North GA where we would set up camp and stay until we had seen every thing of interest in that area then move to the next camp.
The Parks we spent time in were Black Rock Mountain, Cloudland and all those in between, the town of Helen is a tourist trap but well worth the visit.
If you wish to see some pictures we took go to and search for billyecole.
Well it is turning cold in the mountains and since we spent last winter where there was plenty of snow, Molly wants to head south. So Savannah Ga. is most likely our destination south.
I have summited several camp host applications and should have a site to host before we get there, I just hope we can land one with the NPS.
We have a tenative plan to drift along the souther route I10 over to the Big Bend NP in southern Texas. Then there are 12 states along the Rockies that we plan to tour extenseively taking at least a month in each state.
However that plan has been roaming around in my head for at least 4 years and we haven't made it across the Mississippi river yet, been on the Miss. but not across.
What the heck, I will probably end up in Maine or Vermont because with all the free time we have and nothing to do but enjoy retirement I often change my mind. After all I have found out that is what the calendar is for, to look at those pretty pictures and decide to go see that place.
Life is good, thank your Jesus.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Well I think I have laid around enough for this Heart Attack to heal enough to travel so this week has been spent packing the camper and Molly and I have cabin fever so bright and early tomorrow morning we are heading out on a new adventure. Mollies tag is updated and so is my emergency cards. Life is not waiting for us to catch up so off we go. We have no plans just a tank of fuel to start out on. Thinking about West Virginia mountains, after a few days on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia. May end up in New England, who knows, who cares. Lords knows I love this retirement. I hope we meet you along the way, share a smile, maybe a meal over a camp fire with a fresh catch of rainbow trout.
See You there,
Billy and Molly
See You there,
Billy and Molly
Thursday, July 22, 2010
No Pets Allowed
I have been traveling with Molly for 6 years now and we are quite comfortable in our camper.
But recently I had to make a business trip to Durham, North Carolina and I drove the car. When I realized that I was not going to make it home before dark, I decided to get a hotel room and stay the night. On several hotels were posted on the front door, no pets, well I did not even bother to go in because I was not leaving Molly in the heat we were having in the car.
By now it is getting dark and I am tired and aggravated to find out that hotels had gotten so demanding. Used to be they wanted my business and begged for it.
Finally I used the “don't ask, don't tell” checked in and had a nice bed in a hotel that I think I bought stock in at the price they charged.
Moral of this story is plan your travel with pets, have prearranged living conditions made for them. I will never leave Molly with a pet sitter, she is part of my life. There are times when I must leave her in the car and if it is hot the A/C is left on for her.
I was down at our shopping center the other day and it was 104 in the parking area and saw 3 dogs locked up in cars and I know it must have been 130 - 150 inside. I called the police in no time they were there, and to my surprise they used pressure bags to open the locked car doors, brought the dogs out and put them in equipped transports. I asked and the police said they fined the people and charged for animal care and thanked me for reported what they referred to as criminals. I suggested they lock the dog owners up in the car for and hour or two. It takes a beast to treat an animal like that.
It is hot outside folks, and if I see a dog locked up in a car and cannot get legal help I will burst a window to get it out.
Just wondering would you do that?
Till the atoms melt:
Saturday, July 17, 2010
If I were your leader
I would close down every American base over seas, then turn on all our nukes and just dare another nation to even think about harming an American, bring every soldier home and place them along all our borders and at every port of entry, two deep and every American under 40 would have to serve one year in uniform (drafted). I would make it mandatory that every American own a 12 gauge shotgun and a King James Bible.
Every prisoner serving a sentence would be chained together and out cleaning up America. Every politician would be hanged and we would just start over. Any person who could not say the pledge of allegiance with the words "Under God" would be tarred and feathered. Any person owning a foreign made product would be taxed to death. No one could afford to pay the taxes on it. This nation was founded on Christianity, if one could not pray to God the Father of Abraham, they would be exiled or shot on the city square. Lawyers would be shot on sight. Judges could have a choice, put on a space ship and sent to outer space or sent out to sea and sank. Any one harming and child, an old person or animal would be buried alive. Any person not showing absolute reverence to our flag would be dragged across Texas behind a horse. And any nation would be bulldozed flat and planted in poppy seed.
Vote for Me.
Vote for Me.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Share a hug.
This morning I searched my wallet.
It was empty.
Then, I checked my pockets
I found a few coins
I then searched my heart and found you.
Then, I realized how rich I really am...
May you be as rich as I am
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Start Your Business
Any way, I had a little money, so Cole's Truck and Auto Inc. went into business, I hustled new business, there at the first. Six months later I was operating a going concern, I never looked back. I got a lot richer than I would have if I had gotten a public job. I hired many fine men and trained them to work for me. Here I will let you in on a little secret, as a general rule, I paid my employees about 40% of what they made me. That is the way small business works.
Today there is a golden opportunity, in this country with our economy, for anyone who will go out on his or her own and start a service business. Some of you are saying “Well I have been unemployed for a year and I am broke. OK, want to make some money, contact a life insurance company and start selling a great product, you might make a career out of it. I bought a lot of life insurance and I outlived my polices, so my life insurance policies turned out to be the best retirement plan I ever invested in. I draw $600 a month off my policies while my 401K got sucked up by thieves. Yep I lost a lot, thank you Mr. President.
But back to small business.
From the Chamber of Commerce: [LINK]
Small business owners have significant concerns about the nation’s economic situation and are unconvinced that this administration’s efforts will have a positive impact, according to a new poll released a day ahead of the U.S. Chamber’s Jobs for America: Summit 2010.
The independent poll conducted by the Lombardo Consulting Group and commissioned by the Chamber found that eight in ten small business owners say that they are either “very” or “somewhat concerned” about the growth in the size and power of the U.S. federal government over the past few years (nearly half—45%—are “very concerned” about it).
Across the board, small business owners feel that this administration’s policies are not having a positive impact on the country’s economic situation. Almost half (46%) think that this administration’s policies are making the economy worse, while 22% feel that they are having no real effect. Just 30% believe that this administration’s policies are making the economy better. END Chamber report.
Forget about your worries and woes, take that talent or hobby you have inside you and sell your services to others.
I learned many many years ago that nothing ever happens until someone sells something.
Over my years of working, I watched many businesses fail. They didn't plan to fail – They failed to PLAN.
Every day of my working life started with my days plan. Soon it became a habit. If you don't have a plan both short range and long range you will be like a ship without a rudder.
That was the secret to my life of work
Buy life insurance (permanent and term riders) it is guaranteed, but then outlive it. Invest your money in land and houses.
Americans will survive the corruption of our political leaders. Small businesses will survive the economy.
I have seen some damn tough times during my careers, Nixon, the Jimmy Carter years were much more tumultuous than Bush (he is the cause of that oil spill) and this idiot that I helped put up there. Well I just don't know about that puppet, yet. And I have to mention The Queen of spending, Nancy P. But if I were still working I would not worry about them. They would have no bearing on my PLANS. This government we have now should have a PLAN. Talk about a ship without a rudder, meander comes to mind.
Well us see what am I going to do today, “ [ LINK ] Molly” (thats my dog) and I have been traveling around for about 5 years, We have been wide open but I had a serious heart attack 2 months ago. We were suppose to be in the Rocky Mountains according to my PLAN. Understand, the best of plans can fall apart. But with me I have direction and purpose. My ship has a rudder and my plan has a final destination. But that is my secret. And I never never ever shared my PLAN with a single soul.
If you want to go into your own business right now and start talking to other people about it. They will convince you that it wont work. I guarantee you that.
God only made one of me, and he made me perfect, I never wanted to change the beauty of His creation by punching holes in my ears or tattoos anywhere. I never PLANNED to do that.
God, while I am talking about you, I need to talk to you for a while. I want to thank you for giving me the knowledge and courage to stand on my own. And Lord, I could never have accomplished the goals in my life without your constant help. This heart attack has really stalled my PLANS, so I am reverting to PLAN B, Farther, as I have done all my life my day has begun and ended with You at the top of my do list. So right now I ask for about 2 hours of your undivided attention. I need to talk and You are my champion listener. I need to work on restoring my heart so us walk for a while and I'll do all the chatting. I aint a going to ask You for anything because you know what I need.
God bless you my friend.
I welcome your comments.
Till the Atoms melt:
Saturday, June 26, 2010
My Very Own Heart Attack
At 70 I am fishing here and camping there and just full ahead with motorcycle trips. I never let the fact that I was a type 2 diabetic slow me down in the least.
I eat like an uninformed man and just increased my insulin intake, if and when I would to take it.
One day I stopped for Ice Cream and after eating that I bought a big bar of Milky Way, I got in my camper and was driving away with an increasing pain in my chest right there where that big pumper is. I just kept driving until the pain got all the way to my throat and I couldn't swallow. I was near Duke University in Durham NC.
I thought, well I will drive by the V A Hospital and get something for this heartburn.
I had a hell of a time parking that camper and my dog Molly was in it, along. A Doctor took a listen and before I knew it, I had needles poking in me an EKG machine with all those wires and tubes poked in my veins.
Well here it is about a month later, and I am home recovering, yes Molly is fine, you can rest assured that I saw that she was taken care of before they admitted me.
Anyway a month later, and I am getting serious about my health problems. I am so dang weak. My head wants to do something but the heart says “Whoa Boy, I aint going along with this activity.”
Now this is one fine mess I got myself into this time, and no one to blame it on but myself. How the heck can I lie out of this one.
Now let me explain something to you, diabetes can't kill me, however, it destroys the organs in ones body. In my case it got a hunk of my heart, a big chunk of it that is dead and I can't fix it, there is no way to bring it back to life. Now I have to live with my own stupidity.
Us face a fact! I created this heart disease, I am the one that killed it, it is mine. It is like a child, I have to love, there is no choice. I must take care of my heart just like it did the other offspring's I had. With loving care and tender mercy.
I know that exercise will help, but as I said I am so weak, I am just worn out and if I try to do anything at all my legs just give away and my heart starts pounding and begins to hurt. I quits hurting when I pop a nitro pill.
I have been to classes with many vets who are diabetics. 99% of us are fat. I call that the mouth and elbow problem. Eating! Damn it diabetes is what you eat. Stop it. My eating habits is what is gonna kill me.
Kinda like smoking, anyone can stop smoking, it takes a man to face death. Same goes for eating.
So you just go on bending that elbow as it lifts a fork up to your mouth carrying all that sodium and sugar. I am sure there is a hospital near you.
As for me, I am on my way to the morgue, yep, I made out a living will. Damn, I wanted to get even with my only son, who by the way is taking care of me and Molly now.
Did you know that parents are really dumb. My Son says to me “Dad remember what you taught me.” What ever you teach them will come back to haunt you.
I got to close now. It is dinner time, I am having a nice thick, fat steak with a large baked potato with butter and sour cream and sweetened with sugar, fresh picked wild blackberry cobbler. I think I will have a shot of scotch first and maybe a beer or two with that steak.
Sincerely Yours,
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Saw my Doctor today
Monday, June 21, 2010
The life of a Camp Host
Being a work camper host means that when I visit a campground, I work for my keep, generally speaking I have to work between 10 and 25 hours a week, for free camping (let me point out here that I really like state and federal sites,) and those places need volunteers like myself.
Camp host jobs vary I like to volunteer at grounds that offer full hook ups thats water, electricity, cable tv and internet. Now I am not into ruffing it I have all the conviences that I have at home, just smaller. But then I have all that new open space. Many Georgia state parks offer all this for about 30hours a week work or if I don't want to work it cost me between $10 to $20 a night with my federal Golden Age Pass.
Now I meet some of the most wonderful folks, retired people like myself, just loafing around. Young families with energetic children just having fun with their bikes, skates and swimming attire. I meet all age groups, people just out in nature, partying, cooking out, eating and having all kinds of fun activities.
As a camp host part of my job is to socialize and to insure safety. Another part is be familiar with the area and provide information.
Forget about taking a vacation and spending it in a hotel room, that's not for me
In your mind, come take a walk with me as I preform my camp host duties, we can walk or we can ride in a golf cart, we'll take the cart and pick up trash as we go along. This campground is full with 80 sites to care for. There are mountains full of waterfalls and small rivers that empty into a lake with a beach. The air is so fresh, wildlife is abundant, and everybody is so friendly, relaxed, unstressed and just busy enjoying life and the good things it has to offer.
At the very first camp site we come to, we meet a young family with two children and they are just getting ready to eat a meal of hot dogs and hamburgers, and of course the husband grilled enough to feed half the campground. And it is imperative that we sample the special sauce on a burger.
Now when it comes to eating, I am not modest and gladly accept their offer. The conversation is very interesting. The husband is a shipping clerk and his wife is a waitress. The children are in school. They are on a two week vacation and traveling along the Blue Ridge Parkway. They have a large tent and a small tent for the kids, which is set up, but we all know that when it gets dark those kids are moving in with Mom and Dad. Especially when I tell the family not to leave any food outside because this is bear country and we have those pest called skunks and raccoons. Boy what a mess they can make.
I spend a wonderful hour with that family, they were so interesting. Now if I spend an hour with each camper it will take me about 80 hours to make my rounds. But that is no worry, I am a volunteer.
The next site we come to is a retired couple that lost most of their savings in the wall street rip offs. But they just cut this huge watermelon and boy it does look good. Of course when it come to food, I am not modest. I spend an hour and fifteen minutes learning from them. 78 more camp sites to cover. The next 10 campers were gone so I am making up time.
But my goodness here is a group of local people camping out, playing guitars, banjos, fiddles and dulcimers. We are invited to eat, sing and dance. They are dancing, singing and there is a row of tables 20 feet long with any kind of homemade food you can think of. Ice chests chucked full of coke, beer and some homemade squeezings. Good healthy food and remember I aint modest about chow.
It is getting dark time to quit anyway so I think I will wait till Monday to clean up the campgrounds, most everybody will be gone. And it will be quite and peaceful till next weekend.
I have to make sure that it is quite at 10pm and all the sites are secure.
Campers are so cooperative. I have been doing camp hosting for about 10 years and even the worst drunk I ever met turned off his music and went quietly to his camper when I asked. I am glad about that because he sure was a big fellow.
I wish I hadn't eaten so much and did I mention that Molly's, my dog, belly is so full of spare ribs bones, treats and even ice cream.
There is no reason for a camp host to make coffee or breakfast in the mornings because everybody else is cooking. And did I mention modest around food.
Now it is Monday afternoon and this beautiful place is almost vacant and there is very little cleaning up to do. Everyone has left their site better than it was when they came. I better check the bathrooms for toilet paper. Then I need to take a hike along this 4 mile trail to make sure there is no litter.
“Come on Molly us go for a walk”
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Being a Father
I miss my pop too, but I did get a nice hug from my only son, he turned out to be someone I am very proud of. That means I done something right in my life.
He was born in 1964 and I was just 25 myself, full of piss and vinegar and my own life in front of.
What the hell am I going to do with a kid? I know, I thought to myself. I'll let his mama worry about that.
So being a young soldier. I thought the best thing I can do for him right now is make America a safer place for him to grow up. That I did.
Yes I did do more than my share for him, I had that Vietnam crap, Castro, and all that Russian shit to put up with.
I helped back them all down.
But I don't want to talk about that because today, I want to Bragg about my best lifetime achievement. My one and only child, a son.
We are best friends, we are together a lot, and when I get the opportunity to introduce him, well, I guess it is my pride in him that stand out the most.
With most of the credit going to his mother for instilling, honesty, intelligent, character, trustworthiness and all those good things that make a man stand out in a crowd. All that, reflects on a Dad.
Well my boy, went on and got his education, became a Marine, and served America with honors. Today, he is still serving this great American system of freedom by being a correction officer in our prison system.
My son has a son. His son has a son.
Today is Father's Day. I am a Father, a grandfather and a great grandfather. Add the word proud to each father.
The most outstanding day of my life began on July 17 1964, the day I became a Father.
Thank you Jesus.
Big "O"
From AP: President Barack Obama is too smart to say it, but he wants his presidency back. He framed his address and BP's creation of a $20 billion compensation fund as a turning point when the public regained confidence in Obama's response to the Gulf disaster whose negative effects are spreading along with the crude oil.
The crisis has cost Obama quite a bit, on focus. He'd rather devote his time to push jobs legislation, his health care plan, develop an energy package, tend to two wars and deal with other priorities.
For all the hype attached to the speech, Obama did himself a lot better when he announced the $20 billion BP-financed fund to cover the mounting costs to those whose lifes has upended. I have heard $20M and $20B, which is it. It doesn't matter, you and I both know it is just $20.00.
The $20 recovery fund shows that Obama can do some rock solid problem-solving.
I wonder who was behind all this, I wonder who is the acting pupet master? For Obama to take action that could help citizens. We need to elect that person President.
The Movement
Concerned Americans trying to find their voices, and a way to channel their disgust. For some, anger has now turned to action.
It is the kind of action that helping the tea party movement.
We've heard, time and again, the characterizations in the news media, from some Democrats and, in certain cases, from our own friends and relatives — about how "those tea party-ers" are just angry voters venting about economic hard times, or we're confused, uneducated and easily influenced, or we're extremists, or, worst of all, we're racists.
To hear what motivates us, is to begin to understand what's going on in American politics in 2010.
Turns out that we have plenty to yell about. "Why are we in such dire straits?"
"This is not the direction that the country is supposed to be going," I say, financial bailouts, the stimulus bill, health care, immigration, foreign companies drilling for oil in the US. "Things are changing at warp speed in a way that's not going to be good. People are getting more involved.
I have gone from apolitical to antiestablishment activist.
What is my ultimate goal? "To make sure that I'm represented by people who are looking out for our rights and upholding the Constitution. ... And, if they don't, to make sure we have infrastructure to really take them out rather than have these thugs that are in there for 4, 8 years."
Whether the issue is damage claims from the Gulf or jobs created in Ohio, the public is hungry for tangible results
When I last voted for president that "CHANGE" I voted turned out to "'Change' (equals) More Debt, More Taxes, More Welfare, More Regulation, More Government, More Wasteful spending, MORE CORRUPTION. Yes I voted for you, you damn crook.Thanks Mr. President. You lying bastard.
This is how momentum — a "movement," even — can grow. Myself, on the ground, talking to others, writing this inspiring action and influencing votes.
Please read about the "Tea Party" and consider membership. We cannot accomplish anything along. But remember this, United We Stand.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
New Day
After the heart attack I am beginning to improve a bit, my legs are getting stronger but boy my eyesight has gone to hell, bright light hurts and I see all kinds of colors and spots. It can be very upsetting.
Take care of your heart, you cannot reverse failure once it has happened.
Well Molly and I have been helping Kim a little bit on her garden, Kim has her place where she can relax and get away from the stress and strain of every day life, she works hard in it and I must admit it is looking pretty good.
I think Molly is enjoying this down time, we sure have been on the go for the last 5 years and now she is catching up on her sleep, and me too I slept about 9 hours today.
It is hot here today into the 90's right not but not to humid yet, it is the humidity that kills me, cant stand it.
Well till the Atoms melt,
God Bless
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Heart Attack
Well Lo and behold, my lifestyle, has finally caught up with me, I have been brought to a complete stop by my heart.
While Molly and I were touring north Georgia mountains I began to feel a little weak and a slight pain in the center of my chest, so I drifted down to the VA center at Duke University in Durham, NC and by the time I got there the pain was beginning to get the best of me.
Our VA hospitals offer the best medical care in the world and soon they got me back on my feet, so here I am resting and planning my next trip.
You know that I am an eternal optimist. About 50 miles from me is interstate 40 and it leads to the Rocky mountains. I must be in migration mode because something is calling me to those mountains and have been for a number of years now.
So give me a little time to recover and plan on visiting Molly and I in some campground, along the trail that the pioneers traveled many years ago. "Go west young man, go west".
Until the atoms melt.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
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