At 70 I am fishing here and camping there and just full ahead with motorcycle trips. I never let the fact that I was a type 2 diabetic slow me down in the least.
I eat like an uninformed man and just increased my insulin intake, if and when I would to take it.
One day I stopped for Ice Cream and after eating that I bought a big bar of Milky Way, I got in my camper and was driving away with an increasing pain in my chest right there where that big pumper is. I just kept driving until the pain got all the way to my throat and I couldn't swallow. I was near Duke University in Durham NC.
I thought, well I will drive by the V A Hospital and get something for this heartburn.
I had a hell of a time parking that camper and my dog Molly was in it, along. A Doctor took a listen and before I knew it, I had needles poking in me an EKG machine with all those wires and tubes poked in my veins.
Well here it is about a month later, and I am home recovering, yes Molly is fine, you can rest assured that I saw that she was taken care of before they admitted me.
Anyway a month later, and I am getting serious about my health problems. I am so dang weak. My head wants to do something but the heart says “Whoa Boy, I aint going along with this activity.”
Now this is one fine mess I got myself into this time, and no one to blame it on but myself. How the heck can I lie out of this one.
Now let me explain something to you, diabetes can't kill me, however, it destroys the organs in ones body. In my case it got a hunk of my heart, a big chunk of it that is dead and I can't fix it, there is no way to bring it back to life. Now I have to live with my own stupidity.
Us face a fact! I created this heart disease, I am the one that killed it, it is mine. It is like a child, I have to love, there is no choice. I must take care of my heart just like it did the other offspring's I had. With loving care and tender mercy.
I know that exercise will help, but as I said I am so weak, I am just worn out and if I try to do anything at all my legs just give away and my heart starts pounding and begins to hurt. I quits hurting when I pop a nitro pill.
I have been to classes with many vets who are diabetics. 99% of us are fat. I call that the mouth and elbow problem. Eating! Damn it diabetes is what you eat. Stop it. My eating habits is what is gonna kill me.
Kinda like smoking, anyone can stop smoking, it takes a man to face death. Same goes for eating.
So you just go on bending that elbow as it lifts a fork up to your mouth carrying all that sodium and sugar. I am sure there is a hospital near you.
As for me, I am on my way to the morgue, yep, I made out a living will. Damn, I wanted to get even with my only son, who by the way is taking care of me and Molly now.
Did you know that parents are really dumb. My Son says to me “Dad remember what you taught me.” What ever you teach them will come back to haunt you.
I got to close now. It is dinner time, I am having a nice thick, fat steak with a large baked potato with butter and sour cream and sweetened with sugar, fresh picked wild blackberry cobbler. I think I will have a shot of scotch first and maybe a beer or two with that steak.
Sincerely Yours,
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