After the heart attack I am beginning to improve a bit, my legs are getting stronger but boy my eyesight has gone to hell, bright light hurts and I see all kinds of colors and spots. It can be very upsetting.
Take care of your heart, you cannot reverse failure once it has happened.
Well Molly and I have been helping Kim a little bit on her garden, Kim has her place where she can relax and get away from the stress and strain of every day life, she works hard in it and I must admit it is looking pretty good.
I think Molly is enjoying this down time, we sure have been on the go for the last 5 years and now she is catching up on her sleep, and me too I slept about 9 hours today.
It is hot here today into the 90's right not but not to humid yet, it is the humidity that kills me, cant stand it.
Well till the Atoms melt,
God Bless
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