What is 'The Large Hadron Collider'?
Why spend all that money on a machine to find the answer that was but in print many years ago, when the creator Himself told us how HE did all that, I have that knowledge. It is this simple. There was nothing and a Spirit said,"Let there be light!
Now scientist claim that made a BIG BANG, big is a poor word to describe that noise, how about, considerable, extensive, good, great, healthy, large, large-scale, sizable, Impressively great in size, force, extent; enormous, extraordinary; marvelous,obsolete, portentous; ominous? Well I call it "A PRODIGIOUS BANG".
Now when scientists find the Higgs in all this, they shall have found the SPIRIT thereby proving once and for all, that GOD is.
So scientists has proven that Earth is older than the Bible says it is. Question: God has the knowledge to create the universe simply by speaking it. Don't you have enough knowledge to know that if you have that much know how, then of course you have enough knowledge to build it old to start with. Wow what a mouth full. "Let there be light" is so simple if you have the knowledge to understand from winch it came.
Now scientist are looking for that anti-matter. You, I and every thing that is, is matter, therefore there must be an equal amount of anti-matter, of which the two cannot exist in the same space. Well now, I am matter, where is my anti-matter, simple it is in that other dimension. HOLY HELLO; a terrible thought just came over me, maybe I am the anti-matter and my matter is in the other dimension. Forrest Gump said "Stupid is as stupid does." My existence is chaotic so i (little i) wonder what I (big I) am like over yonder. YIKES:
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