Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
First of all let me say: I have been working on this article well before the outpouring of shock and grief from around the world over the horrific events in this picturesque New England town has given way to another widely felt, powerful emotion: the urge to support the shattered families of the victims. I am sadden and I have prayed to my Lord God very much about this. My soul is troubled.
Guns Part 1 of 10
In 1948, a mentally fatigued farmer came to my school caring his shotgun, and demanded that his son come home to help with the farm work. When he cocked the gun and started waving it around Mrs Jenkins (3rd grade teacher) took her pistol out of her purse and fired at the farmer (Mr Blankenship) hitting him in the hand and ending the violence.
A couple of years later Mr Blankenship hanged himself from his barn rafter.
Guns part 2 of 10
In about 1950, Horce Marrow a friend of the family and a state trooper , speed cop we called them them, came to visit and have Sunday dinner with us. Everyone was sitting out on the front porch except Mr Morrows two young children who had wondered off through the house. When the gun blast rang out everybody went running into the house to find the children. The youngest boy was lying on the floor holding his shoulder. He had fired a 30-06 into a 12 gauge that was laying on the bed ripping a hole in the barrel. After the boy was found out to be ok, he really got his ass busted. Boy if you are on face book and read this "I'll bet you still remember that day. And yes I now have those two guns and many more from my grandfathers collection.
Guns Part 3 of 10
The year is 1958 at Sylva High, Sylva NC. Miss Neff, science teacher, took her pistol and fired it into the ceiling, one of the students threw his hunting knife at her. Hitting her in the shoulder, that stopped her until the principal came and took control. Miss Neff spent the rest of her life in Broughton Hospital in Morganton, NC.
Guns part 4 of 10
On 25 March 1965, Martin Luther King led thousands of nonviolent demonstrators to the steps of the capitol in Montgomery, Alabama. At that time in my life, (I am ashamed of this now) I felt duty bound to react accordingly should these demonstrators or Mr King decide to turn violent. I was armed with a rifle and and pistol. Let me add this; If this great leader, Rev King were alive today he would be uniting ALL us people to fight the corruption and
chaos that is going on in Washington DC. I believe that he would be leading an organized "militia" against our leaders.
Guns part 5 of 10
1967 I was moving from Bolixi, Miss to Air Force base to Seymour Johnson air base. It was late at night when I stopped at a gas station, to get gas when I went into the store to pay, three men approached my young wife and child with intention to rob and harm them. When I came out of the store those three men were running and yelling, "She's got a gun" Your opinion!
Guns part 6 of 10
The horrible year 1971= I was in NAM. nuff said......
Guns part 7 of 10
1976 A man had robbed the Lil General store and shot the store keeper in my neighborhood, his car would not start so he made his getaway on foot into our development. Soon the search for him was on state troopers, sheriff, local police and most of the men that lived there were out looking. Mr Punch and I were looking around his farm when we heard a sound coming from his well house. Mr Punch slowly opened the door and the crook was looking down the barrel of my of my 12 gauge and Mr. Punch's .357.
He did not move a muscle.
Guns part 8 of 10
1982 A car salesman attempted to rape my wife in Winston Salem. She told me. A .22 is a most effective weapon.
Guns part 9 of 10
In 1984 a man had stolen quite a bit of property from me. There was an eye witness and the police did nothing to help me. I found him living about 250 miles away. I was drinking heavy when I got to his town of Kodak Tenn. I had only one thing on my mind and that was to kill him as this man had harmed many people. I was about out of gas so I stopped to fill up. Half drunk I made the mistake of putting diesel fuel into my gas tank, you could do that is 84. My car just would not run on that fuel. It was in December just before Christmas and it was snowing. Stranded in the snow I just slept it off. After I awoke and got the car fixed the notion of killing the man had completely left me. Until this day I think about Jesus and how he got me to fill up my car with the wrong fuel.
Thank you Jesus.
Guns part 10 of 10
Today,, With a population of over 1.2 billion people, China also has a potential manpower base of another 200 million males fit for military service. The United States owes China 1.2 Trillion dollars.
This could become a fact:: Us say that the government of China tells the military to attack us for our property since we don't have the money to pay them back.
If I were the Chinese General briefing the army before they attack us I would say something like this "Men as you are landing remember this, almost every American has several guns and he will use it to kill you"
That is why Korea or Iran will not land over here also.
I have been around guns all my life in my youth they were in the house and they were loaded and ready to use. My grandpa taught me about the good and harm in them. He taught me that an unloaded gun was no more than a stick or peice of metal. I was 5 or 6 when I was taught all about shooting and safety of a small rifle. And about 8 when I shot the 12 guage. I taught my son to shoot about the same age and he has taught his son, the three of us recently had a good day together out with our guns.
Guns are a big part of my life, handed down from generation and mine will be handed down. My oldest gun is a Walker (not for sale) I have looked at this gun many times and thought about my grand parent that carried it as he rode a fence in his cowboy
day. It looks more like a hammer I am sure it was a tool to him, to fix a horse shoe, drive a wedge into firewood to cook a rabbit he
shot with it and to protect himself as he slept on an open prairie. This gun was never used in a gun fight as we often view the old west.
I own many guns and each one has a memory of some sort attached to it. I do own two assault weapons and they are under double lock and key. It would break my heart if they were stolen not for the lost of the gun but for the damage they could do if fallen into the wrong hands. I would surrender them to proper authorities if necessary and they should be outlawed.
Any gun and all guns are very dangerous just like texting and driving a car at the same time. I am one person that cannot talk on a phone and drive much less text. No government can control the use of guns only us citizens can do that by caring one. Look at it this way I would like to walk into a meeting of congress with my AK-47 and open fire on those dogs but I am now going to do it because those crooks carry guns.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Oklahoma is the only state that Obama did not win even one county in the last election...
While everyone is focusing on Arizona ’s new law, look what Oklahoma has been doing!!!!
An update from Oklahoma :
Oklahoma law passed, 37 to 9 an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the state capitol. The feds in D.C., along with the ACLU, said it would be a mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian values...! HB 1330
Guess what.......... Oklahoma did it anyway.
Oklahoma recently passed a law in the state to incarcerate all illegal immigrants, and ship them back to where they came from unless they want to get a green card and become an American citizen. They all scattered. HB 1804. This was against the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would be a mistake.
Guess what.......... Oklahoma did it anyway.
Recently we passed a law to include DNA samples from any and all illegal's to the Oklahomadatabase, for criminal investigative purposes. Pelosi said it was unconstitutional SB 1102
Guess what......... Oklahoma did it anyway.
Several weeks ago, we passed a law, declaringOklahoma as a Sovereign state, not under the Federal Government directives. Joining Texas ,Montana and Utah as the only states to do so.
More states are likely to follow: Louisiana,Alabama, Georgia, Carolina's, Tennessee,Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia,Mississippi and Florida. Save your confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once again. HJR 1003
The federal Government has made bold steps to take away our guns. Oklahoma, a week ago, passed a law confirming people in this state have the right to bear arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure that was a setback for the criminals. The Liberals didn't like it -- But....
Guess what........... Oklahoma did it anyway.
Just this month, the state has voted and passed a law that ALL drivers’ license exams will be printed in English, and only English, and no other language. They have been called racist for doing this, but the fact is that ALL of the road signs are in English only. If you want to drive in Oklahoma , you must read and write English. Really simple.
By the way, the Liberals don't like any of this either
Guess what...who cares... Oklahoma is doing it anyway.
If you like it, pass it on, if you don't then delete it...Thanks
Oklahoma is the only state that Obama did not win even one county in the last election...
While everyone is focusing on Arizona ’s new law, look what Oklahoma has been doing!!!!
An update from Oklahoma :
Oklahoma law passed, 37 to 9 an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the state capitol. The feds in D.C., along with the ACLU, said it would be a mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian values...! HB 1330
Guess what.......... Oklahoma did it anyway.
Oklahoma recently passed a law in the state to incarcerate all illegal immigrants, and ship them back to where they came from unless they want to get a green card and become an American citizen. They all scattered. HB 1804. This was against the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would be a mistake.
Guess what.......... Oklahoma did it anyway.
Recently we passed a law to include DNA samples from any and all illegal's to the Oklahomadatabase, for criminal investigative purposes. Pelosi said it was unconstitutional SB 1102
Guess what......... Oklahoma did it anyway.
Several weeks ago, we passed a law, declaringOklahoma as a Sovereign state, not under the Federal Government directives. Joining Texas ,Montana and Utah as the only states to do so.
More states are likely to follow: Louisiana,Alabama, Georgia, Carolina's, Tennessee,Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia,Mississippi and Florida. Save your confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once again. HJR 1003
The federal Government has made bold steps to take away our guns. Oklahoma, a week ago, passed a law confirming people in this state have the right to bear arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure that was a setback for the criminals. The Liberals didn't like it -- But....
Guess what........... Oklahoma did it anyway.
Just this month, the state has voted and passed a law that ALL drivers’ license exams will be printed in English, and only English, and no other language. They have been called racist for doing this, but the fact is that ALL of the road signs are in English only. If you want to drive in Oklahoma , you must read and write English. Really simple.
By the way, the Liberals don't like any of this either
Guess what...who cares... Oklahoma is doing it anyway.
If you like it, pass it on, if you don't then delete it...Thanks
Friday, November 16, 2012
Washington, DC
For more of my pictures of this fine city visit my webshots collection by clicking here
Well it has been over 6 weeks since the last heart attack and boy am I ever having a rough time getting over this one. My left leg hurt for a month, my head felt like it was jello (brain) I am having a little trouble still. I just have move slow and not jerk my head or I will get dizzy enough to get sick on the stomach. Now I have to live with this COPD, that stuff aint funny at all.
I am suppose to to be in Helen Ga, helping to run Unicoi Federal Park, I am very disappointed that I could not keep that assignment. But as soon as I am able I am going to Jessup Ga and work with folks at Mossy Oak RV park. I am not able to do my work here at the horse farm any longer, this work is to hard and the hours are quite long. But I will long remember this place it has been wonderful. I have made pets out of the horses and I will miss them too.
Well life is pretty dull right now, but I am responding rather well to my medicine and I am making progress and I cant wait till I get well and get back into the country if there is one thing I do hate it is Raleigh, NC. Everybody is in such hurry. Car horns blow at me a lot because I am a tourist and I am retired too, so I never have the need to get in a hurry. Also I get the finger pretty often but I respond with two of them. I am quite weak still. But life is great.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Here are the Facts:
know. . . Time has a way of moving so quickly and caught me unaware
of the passing years.
It seems just yesterday that I was
In a
way, that seems like eons ago,
And I wonder where all the years
I know that I lived them all...
Up until a few years ago I didn't even think about my future or what life had in store for me it was simply an adventure to be lived day by day. And I did just that. Look for yourself.
did I get here so fast?
Where did the years go and what happened to my youth?
I remember well...
Seeing older people
through the years and thinking that those Older people were years
away from me and that autumn was so far away that I could not
fathom it or imagine fully what it would even be like...
here it is...
My friends are retired and getting
They move slower and as I see an older person
Some are in better and some worse shape than
But, I see the great change...
Not like
the ones that I remember when I was young and vibrant...
But, like
me, their age is beginning to show and I am now them. Older folks
that I used to see and never thought I'd become.
day now, I find that just taking a short walk is the real goal for the
day! And getting a full nights sleep without having to get up so many times to take a piss would be a real treat.
And so, now I enter into this autumn season
of my life unprepared . With all the aches and pains, complications from diabetes and the loss
of strength and ability . Unable to go and do things that I planned to do next. I would really like to ride my motorcycle out west just one more time.
But, at least I know, that though my autumn has come,
And I'm not sure how long it will last...
I know, that when it's over... Its over...
I have regrets.
There are things I wish I hadn't done... Like staying drunk for about 20 years of my life. And I wish I had never smoked a single cigarette.
But this life has been a real trip for me. I have been blessed with success, love and adventures. Mostly because I planned it that way.
It's all in a lifetime...God gave me this miracle of life and I took it and made the most of it. I was never like a ship without a rudder, meandering around. I always had a port of call, a direction, a purpose and a plan.
So, if you're
not in your autumn yet...
Let me remind you, that it will be
here faster than you think.
Whatever you would like to
accomplish in your life, please do it quickly!
Don't put
things off too long!!
goes by quickly.
So, do what you can today, Plan your life, then work your plan. Work hard and when you play. Play hard.
My off springs and the youth that met me will remember me as one, full of life with dignity, honor and duty. A just and fair man.
What I am is a gift from my Creator. I have never expected God to give me anything else. However the way I lived my life and the example I have set with it has been my gift to God!
Some day my autumn will come and this force field that has a spirit that God made in His image inside me will die and I shall dwell in the house of my Lord forever.
I am and have been a pilgrim on this planet, my journey has had it's ups and downs but I look forward to that short trip out of this darkness into the great light of knowledge and eternal life, with my Father and His Son.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Half Century
Half a Century Ago
Half a century ago, one thing I really looked forward to was a trip to Revis' general store; it was a 4 maybe 5 mile walk from our farm to Whittier , NC . We had to walk through Gateway which was one mile from our house, the Gateway had a gas station owned by Harry Shelton who sold used cars, tires, car parts, cold drinks, cigarettes, candy and gas from an old hand pump with a 5 gallon glass top, we could pump up from one to 5 gallons of gas which sold for 12 cents per gallon. Now that sounds cheap compared to $4 dollars per gallon we pay today, but I made 15 cents per hour if and when I could find work. I didn't have a car so gas wasn't to be figured into my budget.
But at the Revis store, there were clothes, bolts of cloth, hardware, shoes, hats, and feed; just about anything one would want on a farm. Mr. Revis had a big pot belly wood stove a pickle barrel with a checker board on it and there was always a game going on. Above the checker board a picture of Jesus and the American Flag hang on the wall. Did you notice I called him Mr. a word one never hears anymore? At his store, world problems were solved and elections were bought and sold. There was a separate store room where the finer things in life could be purchased like cigars and moonshine, and maybe some fine bourbon and bottle beer.
In that fine old store, I learned about honor, duty to my country, God, Jesus, respect for my fellow man, whether I had money or not I could walk away from Mr. Revis' store with anything I wanted, the amount I owed him was written in a book with a pencil and marked off as I made my regular payments. Now credit in those was different than it is today, in that before you would borrow you were damn sure that you could pay it back. Failure to pay a debt could brand a man and in some cases it would cause bones to break and blood to leak out of the body and in extreme cases even death would occur.
There was a phone in the store and he sold comic books too. People were tried, convicted and dealt with for things like child and wife abuse; on the other hand money was raised for hardships like health problems and surgery.
That old general store sorted out wars, it lived through depressions, social programs even segregation, I never saw a black person until I was 21 years old and was drafted into the military. But I had learned in that old store that all men are created equal. I learned that America was the only place in the world where a man could create his own destiny. Also I learned that a man should offer up his life for God and Country.
I wonder what would happen if every convenience store would install a checker board and welcome old timers like me to share stories and knowledge.
By no means am I saying that those were the good old days, that they were, but times were hard, my day began well before dawn and ended with the light of a lantern. Very, very few people were overweight because we worked and we all worked hard, we chopped wood to heat and cook with. We canned and preserved our food. We plowed our fields with horses and planted many acres of land to feed our livestock. We had no electricity, no car, no running water and an outside toilet. That reminds me of a story; Papa ( my grandfather ) got a real letter, that company was coming, so he wrote to Sears and Roebuck and asked them to send him some toilet paper, Sears wrote back to look in the catalog and send the catalog number and they would be glad to send the toilet paper to him. He replied with these words, Mr. Sears if I had a catalog, I would not need any toilet paper.
One thing I remember from that old General Store is the smell, feed, tobacco, fertilizer, leather, sweat and have you ever smelled love.
Every now and then a stranger or a drifter would stop at the Revis store, my, my, what a welcome visit that was because with him came new stories and world news and if he happen to be driving a car that was certain to be the center of attention. One time I walked into Mr. Revis' store and there was a stranger sitting in the corner behind the stove where the checker board use to sit. This stranger was very exciting and such stories he could tell, to me he knew everything, the old timers would sit fixed in the rocking chairs, buckets, barrels and on the floor just staring at him and listening to his every word for hours on end. He had images, drawing and music, his knowledge was endless. Every week day about 6pm a fellow called Walter Cronkite was with the visitor and every Saturday Marshall Dillion had stories of the old west he was followed by wrestling.
I left home shortly after the visitor came, but last year I was back at the store, the 3 rd generation of Revis' still have that old store and the visitor was still there in the same place, he was more colorful, slimmer and much larger and his voice was strong, Many people was listening and looking at him now, the visitor was so popular that he now had a name tag, SONY. Did you know that SONY stands for Standard Oil of New York.
I stayed a while and my mind went back to those wonderful years, no one noticed that I was a stranger drifting though, the old store had many additions and was quite large. I bought a Pepsi and a bag of peanuts which I poured into the Pepsi,
I was crying as I left. I realized that the old store had like myself, grown up and became successful in the land of milk and honey. A picture of Jesus and The American Flag still hang above the TV. Some things never change.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Dead Broke Horse Farm
Dead Broke Horse Farm:: Click here to visit the website.
I began my work here in March with a TO DO list of 25 projects, here it is 5 months later and I have only began to finish my projects.
If you have ever worked on a horse farm then you know what I mean. If you haven't done volunteer work for one then you should try one. Let me say this right from the start, working a horse farm is not for the weak or lazy. I guess that is why I love it here. My day began March 4 at 7am and "well it hasn't ended yet".
Carla, the owner works more that the rest of us plus all that paper work, business headaches, and of course she does more than her fair share of supporting all the government waste that this president and congress has laid on all small business owners.
This is Miss Rosie, Carla's Mama and our fearless leader, the first one at work and the last one to leave. What she says goes and they aint none of us big or bad enough to even think about contesting her. But then she is just a spring chicken.
This is me and Willy putting out bails of hay. Willy rides everything that I ride.
I began my work here in March with a TO DO list of 25 projects, here it is 5 months later and I have only began to finish my projects.
If you have ever worked on a horse farm then you know what I mean. If you haven't done volunteer work for one then you should try one. Let me say this right from the start, working a horse farm is not for the weak or lazy. I guess that is why I love it here. My day began March 4 at 7am and "well it hasn't ended yet".
This is our Jennifer, trail guide, handy girl, hard worker and just a hell of a nice person.
Mother Nature and horses put together can play havoc on the earth, trails require constant upkeep.
Hay You! Yes I am talking to you--- Where is my feed?
This one is Miguel our resident "GOFER" during the course of a day you will hear Miguel go for this, Miguel do that, Miguel where are you.
Like every day here, this one has been a long one and I am tired and sleepy so I will quit for now, check back later and meet some more hard working folks
Have a good night,
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Dead Broke
I just haven't left like blogging much since Molly got killed, but Willy certainly is a fantastic companion and he is much help in my healing process. Here on the horse farm our day began at daylight. Routine things like feeding and water take an hour of so because there are over a hundred horses, quite a numbers of dogs, chickens, rabbits and other game. The farm has many birds of all sorts, coons, deer and now is the season for fawns, Aaah they are so beautiful. It is now 9:30 pm and I just got to the camper had me a couple of drinks of Canadian Club and starting to feel like going out to a dance, Ha that was in a different life say 30 years ago. Now I am going to watch a little TV and pass out.
Here is a little something I would love to share with you dog lovers.
Soon now my body will end and a great spirit that God created in His image will be released and I will start my final journey into the kingdom of Heaven.
Upon my entrance to to this Godly world, I expect a breif walk to the pearly gates and a breifing from St. Peter. During that short walk I know that there are animal pets that were companions to me here on earth that are going to be impatient and greet me before I reach eternity.
I am a dog lover and I also know that God Himself has created all things for Himself and has loaned me those creations for a short period of time to be shared with me while I am on this earth, these pets that I took care of here have died and gone home long before me yet they await my arrival with great expection. Knowing and loving dogs as I do, I don't think that even St. Pete can keep my departed friends inside that gate when they see me.
I am looking forward to that joyous reunion.
The first out of the gate will be Cub a Plot Hound, he died in 62 while I was in the Air Force. Then will come Honey a Shetland Sheepdog, she died in 72. Next is Shep a German Sheperd died 86. Then Baby a shepard and her brother Bear 2005. Last out will be Molly 2011 but she is determined to greet me first.
St. Peter will have to wait, because I will drop to the ground because I know my dogs are going to knock me down with excitement. So I will prepare myself for the kisses I will recieve, what a feeling it is going to be to stroke those furry heads again. I will look into their eyes and be able to communicate with them this time. They will know that we will never be parted again. I will wait for Willy.
Afterwords they will escort me up to the gate and into my Fathers house.
There where my name is written in "The Book of Life" I and my companions will be directed to our manison,(Jesus has been preparing it for over 2000 years) where we will dwell in eternity.
Thank you Jesus.
Spell DOG backwords. Now you understand LOVE.....
dead Broke
Here is a little something I would love to share with you dog lovers.
Soon now my body will end and a great spirit that God created in His image will be released and I will start my final journey into the kingdom of Heaven.
Upon my entrance to to this Godly world, I expect a breif walk to the pearly gates and a breifing from St. Peter. During that short walk I know that there are animal pets that were companions to me here on earth that are going to be impatient and greet me before I reach eternity.
I am a dog lover and I also know that God Himself has created all things for Himself and has loaned me those creations for a short period of time to be shared with me while I am on this earth, these pets that I took care of here have died and gone home long before me yet they await my arrival with great expection. Knowing and loving dogs as I do, I don't think that even St. Pete can keep my departed friends inside that gate when they see me.
I am looking forward to that joyous reunion.
The first out of the gate will be Cub a Plot Hound, he died in 62 while I was in the Air Force. Then will come Honey a Shetland Sheepdog, she died in 72. Next is Shep a German Sheperd died 86. Then Baby a shepard and her brother Bear 2005. Last out will be Molly 2011 but she is determined to greet me first.
St. Peter will have to wait, because I will drop to the ground because I know my dogs are going to knock me down with excitement. So I will prepare myself for the kisses I will recieve, what a feeling it is going to be to stroke those furry heads again. I will look into their eyes and be able to communicate with them this time. They will know that we will never be parted again. I will wait for Willy.
Afterwords they will escort me up to the gate and into my Fathers house.
There where my name is written in "The Book of Life" I and my companions will be directed to our manison,(Jesus has been preparing it for over 2000 years) where we will dwell in eternity.
Thank you Jesus.
Spell DOG backwords. Now you understand LOVE.....
dead Broke
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