Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I never thought that I would be rescued by representatives but to my surprise they voted what seems to be the will of the people, to me this was an astonishing event.
For quite some time I have known we have had a political crisis in my country, quite some time ago lawyers changed the law affecting bankruptcy for individuals, was this to set us up for big business. Maybe this money crisis will keep the big boys from taking all of our homes and reselling them.
Bailing out Wall Streets are not going to help us that is not the root of this evil, the root is our elected officials, we the people need to take Washington on a cruise and bail out the boat, or we could exercise our 2nd Amendment right.
The non political experts are probably right and I am in for long hardships and I fear that red neck Americans like my self will take down some politicians as we go. One can only kick on a true blooded American so much and when he does turn to fight he becomes the most vicious animal of this planet.
God have mercy on America.
Americans and Sleep
Monday, September 29, 2008
I am on the presidents prayer team
The ignorance and inefficiencies’ of this congress may save us taxpayers trillions. Why should congress get together about any thing on the hill, my grandchildren in the picture have a better response than any leader in Washington. There is far more intelligence in their expression when I asked them about the bail out.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Week America's Economy Almost Died : NPR
The Week America's Economy Almost Died : NPR: What is this bail out NPR put it in such a way that even I can understand. "All Things Considered, September 26, 2008 · The potential for disaster was horrifying. For people on Wall Street and in the inner circles of government, last Wednesday and Thursday will long be remembered as the time when the American economy survived a brush with death."
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The Bank of Gasoline
Maybe you don’t remember the gas rationing of the 70’s when we complained about getting fuel but fresh meat and bread was the real issue. There is a real gas shortage in the southeast this can be noticed by the bags on the pump handles. Instead of looking at the price notice the bags. That has nothing to do with the price per gallon. Hurricane Gustav and Ike swept across the Gulf of Mexico and that left power outages at drills and refineries’. That damage is yet to be felt or noticed but it is coming.
Wall Street will be placed on the back burner but while our news media and government is concealing this from us, trust me as soon as the rich get our tax dollars, you and I will get floored and feel like we have been sucked into a black hole.
We will have no milk, eggs, fresh meat and I am going to get really pissed off when Molly runs out of dog food. I find good in all this because Wal-Mart is going to have to find someone beside China to buy junk from.
President Bush will get the blame so watch how this sorry congress will pass the buck, I hope I am wrong about the basic food items, But Government is diverting our attention that is politics and it war against middle class America.
May God Bless.
Friday, September 26, 2008
This Congress
Any body with a spine want to comment.
My Constitution
All this government bail out, the bickering of congress, the lack of leadership and guidance. In my opinion law makers are raping my Constitution. I once swore an oath to GOD to protect that instrument.
In my opinion, we need a leader that understands the 2nd amendment and will make a formal objection to our current and incoming leaders and cause preparations. People we are on a collision course with disaster and the reason can be stopped by us "We the People" because the Constitution was written for us, you and I, not Washington. Regardless of what Washington does and regardless of how far they set us back, as long as we exist we will always be Americans and we drown in our own blood before we give up our freedom. Give me liberty or give me death.
Everybody knows we have the right to own guns, but the 2nd amendment does not stop there it is the (why) we have the right to bear arms that really matter. To hell with Wall Street, we need to set our sights on Washington and we need to do it now. I like McCain and I hear every word Obama says, but as soon as either gets to the White House I fear that it is "Buddy can you spare a dime" all over again.
The 2nd Admendment
Second Amendment to the United States Constitution
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Bill of Rights in the National Archives. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution (Amendment II) is a part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects the pre-existing individual right to possess and carry weapons (i.e. "keep and bear arms") in case of confrontation.[1] Codification of the right to keep and bear arms into the Bill of Rights was influenced by a fear that the federal government would disarm the people in order to impose rule through a standing army or select militia,[2] since history had shown the way tyrants eliminated resistance to suppression of political opponents was to simply take away the people's arms and make it an offense to keep them.
The right to bear arms has recently been an issue which simply means the politicians are just setting us up for the kill. Just like that stimulus check a few months ago, that $300 I got (which went directly to Wall Street some way or another) set me up for this $10,000 dept I will be in when Washington bails out Wall Street. History does repeat itself. Todays news was written along about 1929.
Again I set here doing nothing just like my Grandfather did in the early 30's he was hoeing corn and I am writing a Blog. No one said to my grandfather load up and follow me to Washington. If someone ask me to follow them I wont make the same mistake.
May God Bless
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The FBI Files
Finally some answers may appear
Associated Press Writer
FBI investigating companies at heart of meltdown
If I say $700 billion that goes right over our heads but you know what I am talking about, this bailout bullshit, but when I tell you that $2000 of that is yours, $2000 is mine and that comes out to over $2000 for every man woman and child in America. I did the math. Do the math on this one [Freedom, divided by $2000 for each of us = Socialization or rape of our constitution by this administration and congress. Where are the Supreme Court Judges at now?
When we the people were in trouble a couple of months ago what did congress do? Well hell they took a month off. Maybe if they would take off while their rich supporters are in trouble they could struggle like I did and solve their own financial problems.
I know and understand the importance of a global economy and I realize America’s declining place in it.
When a foreign country gets in any kind of trouble they come running to the good old US of A. Where are those blood suckers at now? Pay some of that “F” ing money back. China is sitting on $200 billion and a 9.9 percent stake in Morgan Stanley, while China’s central bank is managing another $1.8 trillion in reserves. Back in 1998 when the Russian economy was in a freefall, Moscow officials scurried to the U.S. Treasury to secure vital American support for over $17 billion in a new IMF loan. Has Russia paid it back? Well I doubt it.
During this administration there has been a steady transfer of my wealth, how about yours? I am a Vet and Freedom aint free nor can money buy it. It takes blood. My world has changed an awful lot in the last 8 years. There has been a steady transfer of wealth away from the USA and most Americans don’t realize that. The free ride is over globe.
It is time you (the world) realized the American Century is coming to a finish.
In my opinion, I think we need to bring every soldier home and post them every foot apart around our borders with loaded weapons. We should close every base outside the US and bring all that money back home and that will protect our borders and look at the jobs it will create here at home. You hear me Wall Street. Now with all our military back home, our leaders should let the world know that threats against our freedom or national security will be met by absolute force. Our political voting selection for a president would be simple, Mr. or Mrs. Candidate, “Do you have the balls to protect us?” If a criminal nation threatens Israel or any of our other allies, “Do you have the balls to push that big red button?”
The signers of our Constitution, many of whom lost their lives and most lost their wealth in order to preserve that perfect instrument. They had the guts to challenge aggression with rocks and sticks. But this spineless, sorry, no-good --- Oh! God, how I would love to type the words that could accurately describe most of our leaders.
I am telling you Washington, you can just push us Americans just so far and I for one am fed up with you crooked “Son of Bitches”
Snip! Nearly One-Fifth of Homes Have No Landline - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com
By the end of the year one in five American households may well not have a home phone line. That’s the conclusion of a new report by Nielsen, which says that already 17 peSnip! Nearly One-Fifth of Homes Have No Landline - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com
Monday, September 22, 2008
America " We still exist"
Sunday, September 21, 2008
"Buddy Can You Spare a Dime"
I went to church this morning.
I love going to church and I get rewarded by doing it.
I have always been a church goer. But for about 2 years now I haven’t went but today I really want and need to attend. This weeks news has been so disturbing I just got to get some stress relief and only God can provide the kind of relief I need.
Now the devil is scheming to keep me from going, it is Sunday morning and every thing is going wrong but I am determined to handle the problems confronting me and go to church.
Those of you that know me, know that I am just passing thru and don’t have a church to attend here so I am going to have to find one. I went to the first church I came to and was welcomed in the usual Christian manner. I felt right at home. It was under the same manager that I always attended, God’s.
I ran into an old friend, that treated me so special. He made me feel important and left me knowing that I had met many persons this morning that was the most important people in the world. In case you are wondering who old friend was, well it was Jesus.
The message I received at church this morning was every person I meet from now on is the most important person in the world.
I have an idea that life is like the four seasons. But my life refuses to play out in four distinct acts. I can’t leave one scene dresses in work clothes and return in a tuxedo like an actor, but I do perform many different functions, like the example I set with my life. Like talking to a biker and showing that I can have fun without drinking (I am a member of the CMA) or perhaps a parent with a young child that has a drug problem.
My old friend showed me that life is like an elevator and that I have 67 floors of experience below me so when unexpected situations arrive push my buttons. I can and will share my successes and failures with those I know and those I meet.
“Are you going up?”
I am not stressed out anymore after church. I am not going to worry about the war on the middle class that the “Bush” administration has declared on us. I am not going to worry about the rich people that have mismanaged their business, failed and now need my tax dollars to bail them out, because I have a mansion bought and paid for by my old friend (he reminded me) Jesus. KJV John 3-16
Life is utterly fantastic and my future is definitely well defined.
God Bless you,
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Senoir Citizens Today
I am an old man retired and living life. I would like to report that I am living life to it's fullest. However I do not think I am going to survive the Bush administration, he has 4 months left and I feel that he is after me personally.
You see I made plans for my retirement many years ago and when I was planning it 40 years ago I did not take into consideration a Bush administration and this sorry congress, who promised to change things. Man oh man have they changed things in the last two years.
I have downgraded my life style to a motorcycle, and I eat out twice a month instead of twice a day as in the past. I air condition two rooms in my house now. There is no luxury money for a movie, or road trip and an evening in a night club dancing or just having fun well now days that is unheard off.
What happened to my American dream in one word "BUSH". Now I have the right to complain about him because I voted for him twice and I voted for his Daddy twice. Also I am a USAF veteran that gives me the right to complain. I have earned it.
My kids and my grandkids, trying to struggle out a living brought up in a middle class family and told repeatedly to work hard and then play hard remind me of what I thought them, makes me feel like a stupid old man.
But every generation of Americans has told their kids about the great life we lead here.
Being an eternal optimist, I know that America will recover from these disastrous lawyer makers tenure because that is what Americans do.
Recently Gustav and Ike came through my area and we all saw news of injured, sick and hurt people but in America today there is a news story like that in just about every home, stressful things like "God, will I have a job tomorrow. "God, my child is sick and I don't have the money or medical coverage to get treatment." " God, where am I going to get the money for my house payment." "God, help me I have sold everything I own in yard sales and the flea market, and I am broke and need food.
GOD, we Americans cant do anything without you, please bless America again. Therein lies our answer, take it to GOD.
In my opinion, we should impeach Bush and all of Congress and mark their life for good, thereby sending notice to our next leaders that we want our middle class and our America back. I do not think middle class America exist anymore.
May God Bless you and yours,
Friday, September 19, 2008
Lou Dobbs
Lou Dobbs Tonight
Friday, September 19, 2008
Tonight, the federal government has stepped in yet again to try to end this country’s growing financial crisis. The Bush Administration calls it a “bold approach.” But the government is offering up hundreds of billions of dollars – perhaps more
than a trillion by the time they’re through – without providing a concrete and detailed plan.
Will we just continue to bail out every irresponsible company that took bets it couldn’t cover? Why are taxpayers picking up the bill? We’ll have that story.
Plus:* The United States is falling deeper and deeper into debt. The
recent bailouts of failing financial institutions are unprecedented. Our failing markets are being saved at taxpayer expense. And it’s devastating ordinary Americans’ ability to get credit. We’ll take a look at how working men and women in
this country are being affected.
* As one crisis after another unfolds, lawmakers have let a huge number of legislative bills pile up – unread – on their desks. In fact, this do-nothing Congress is set to go on recess in a week. They deserve a vacation don’t they? After all, accomplishing nothing and overseeing an all-out economic meltdown is just par for the course when you’re the most unpopular and ineffective Congress in history.
A nationally-syndicated talk radio show, The Lou Dobbs Show, debuted this spring. Join us weekdays from 3-6 p.m. Eastern for a look at news and politics aimed at independent thinkers. Visit LouDobbsRadio.com to check your local listings
or listen live online.
The new I-35W bridge opened this week in Minneapolis, just over a year after the old one collapsed. But America still needs $1.7 trillion just to stabilize the condition of its core infrastructure. Popular Mechanics editor-in-chief Jim Megis will be on to talk about that. And Lou will be taking your calls at 877-55 DOBBS.
Lou’s book INDEPENDENTS DAY is now on sale in bookstores and on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. In Independents Day, Lou issues a rallying cry to American citizens eager for a change,
Does it make sense to recycle?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Social Security
Barack Obama's Plan
Protect Social Security
Obama is committed to ensuring Social Security is solvent and viable for the American people, now and in the future. Obama will be honest with the American people about the long-term solvency of Social Security and the ways we can address the shortfall. He will work with members of Congress from both parties to strengthen Social Security and prevent privatization while protecting middle class families from tax increases or benefit cuts. As part of a bipartisan plan that would be phased in over many years, he would ask those making over $250,000 to contribute a bit more to Social Security to keep it sound.
Despite the many smears of his opponents, Obama does not support uncapping the full payroll tax of 12.4 percent rate. Instead, he is considering plans that would ask those making over $250,000 to pay in the range of 2 to 4 percent more in total (combined employer and employee). This change to Social Security would start a decade or more from now and is similar to the rate increases floated by John McCain’s close adviser Senator Lindsey Graham and that McCain has previously said he “could” support.
Barack Obama's Plan
Protect Social Security
Obama is committed to ensuring Social Security is solvent and viable for the American people, now and in the future. Obama will be honest with the American people about the long-term solvency of Social Security and the ways we can address the shortfall. He will work with members of Congress from both parties to strengthen Social Security and prevent privatization while protecting middle class families from tax increases or benefit cuts. As part of a bipartisan plan that would be phased in over many years, he would ask those making over $250,000 to contribute a bit more to Social Security to keep it sound.
Despite the many smears of his opponents, Obama does not support uncapping the full payroll tax of 12.4 percent rate. Instead, he is considering plans that would ask those making over $250,000 to pay in the range of 2 to 4 percent more in total (combined employer and employee). This change to Social Security would start a decade or more from now and is similar to the rate increases floated by John McCain’s close adviser Senator Lindsey Graham and that McCain has previously said he “could” support.
Molly and I on the Natchez Trace
Origins of the Natchez Trace
Native Americans used many early footpaths created by the foraging of bison, deer and other large game, who could break paths through undergrowth. In the case of the Trace, bison traveled north to find salt licks in the Nashville area.[2] After Native Americans first began to settle the land, they began to blaze the trail further, until it became a relatively (for the time) well-worn path traversable by horse in single-file.
The first recorded European explorer to travel the Trace in its entirety was an unnamed Frenchman in 1742, who wrote of the trail and its "miserable conditions", though it may have been traveled in part before, particularly by famed Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto. Early European explorers depended on the assistance of Native Americans—specifically, the Cherokee, Choctaw and Chickasaw. These tribes had long used the Trace for trade among themselves.
1. I am not but if I were a policyholder with AIG, I would be looking for a company to replace it. Did the lawmakers consider this when they made the loan. I think so because that way the loan will become a grant. Good thinking senators.
2. So now the government is getting into the Insurance business. I sure hope so because then it wont brother me so much that they don't do anything
This is the worst administration in my voting history. I am glad that I am an old man because it is going to take decades to get it straightened out.
God Bless
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
President Bush
I have voted for George 4 times, and I have been a stanch supporter of both Presidents. However this last year with our current leader makes me ashamed to admit that fact. I have lost so much faith with George W and with this economics situation, I see my nation loosing its leadership ability. I am willing to impeach him right now. In my opinion the rich have such protection and are being rewarded by presidential power. There must have been a conversation like this, "Well good ole boys, I am winding down as president, so us stick it to the USA and get all the money we can in my last year. " " We will be richer and gone to China with Rubels in our pockets, before they figure out what we done to them."
Post your reply by stating your support for whomever you would like to be our next leader. I know "them" politicians are going to have a bad four years. And if you are an ordinary American like I am then I fear we are in for some tough times. We are on collapse coarse with a deep depression
We will recover, that is what we do, we Americans are the greatest people on the planet because we support Israel, as long as we do that GOD Almighty will help us.
God please bless my beloved America again.
Billy http://www.ourbiz.us/
Fed in AIG rescue - $85B loan - Sep. 16, 2008
Now something is not right here. And somebody maybe a bunch of people needs to go the jail. View my thoughts [LINK]
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Google Phone
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Printing Press
By: Billy E. Cole
For many years I have gripped about newspapers and especially local owned which are controlled by the conglomerates.
As a business man running a small business in Hickory, NC, The cost of advertising it in the paper got to the point where there were no small business ads. It cost me the same as it would cost Wal-Mart or Target. One might say that a half page ad place has a certain cost and if you want to buy that space then pay this much for it. And I suppose that is fair because when I worked on a business truck ( I ran a repair shop ) I had a flat rate that I charged everyone the same. My rates were less than my competitors and I was thriving.
I am retired now and just loaf, travel, blog and create a few websites for small local owned businesses around the southeast. I loved my work back then, but now I really love this loafing thing. Retirement is terrific.
Along about the mid 90's I built my first website for my business and I realized that I didn't need to advertise with any longer with the papers or any other media for that matter. The Internet was the only tool I needed to get all the business I wanted for my small crew. I could have grown substantially then but I was 60 and had prepared for my retirement.
I got more and more involved in the Internet and began making websites for my other business friends. I started a co-operative advertising campaign on radio, TV, direct mailings and of course my local newspapers, at that the newspapers cut me off because I was their competitor. That pissed me off and suddenly I found myself building a new career so I quit and retired sold my businesses and now spending the money. If I were young again.
The Internet has had a big effect on newspapers and they are losing a lot of power. I have read the paper for years and it is just part of my routine to have a cup of coffee in the am and read the paper and I still do it simple because that is what I like to do. I know I can find any thing any time with the click of my rat. mouse
It seems a good thing to me that something is bringing down that powerful institution. Don't take me wrong because I think the greatest invention of all time has been the printing press. Now think about that.
Newspapers are borrowing elements from popular Internet hangouts like Face Book, You Tube as it seeks to boost usage. WSJ one of the few news sites to restrict many of its stories to paying subscribers. Although news organizations have started to embrace blogs and tools to share and view content, they have lagged behind companies that originated on the Internet, the newspaper industry has gone slowly in this interactivity thing.
I believe, social networks are going to be an important means of distributing content and of spreading news, and and newspapers just cannot be a part of network. What a great job for a young web master. I am mad at newspapers and they ain't got enough money to hire me. I don't work anymore, anyway.
However I sure am glad to hear the newspapers whine for a change. The World Association of Newspapers says it opposes a pending deal on advertising between Yahoo Inc. and Google Inc. A Paris-based group wants European and U.S. regulators to block the deal on antitrust grounds. That will reduce the cost of paid search advertising and lower revenues for newspapers' and others' Web sites, which receive payment from the online giants. The U.S. Justice Department is investigating the deal. So whine on Gannet.
I guess my own keyboard has modernized the printing press. And it got GREEN and spell check
May God Bless
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Ideal for the latest crop of flash memory-based camcorders, Kingston Technology has just announced the availability of its 32-gigabyte Elite Pro SDHC (SecureDigital High Capacity) flash memory card.
This new 32GB card ($308 MSRP) is the largest capacity in Kingston’s line-up, capable of storing roughly eight hours of video (for 6Mbps HD long-play recording) or more than 6,000 still images (taken with a 10 megapixel camera).
When used with SDHC-compliant MP3 players, a card with this capacity can store approximately 8,000 songs (with 4MB files).
This Speed Class 4 card (4MB/second) is backed by a lifetime warranty and 24/7 live technical support.
By Marc SaltzmanPhoto: Kingston
Saturday, September 13, 2008
90% World Knowledge in my lifetime.
I am 68 alert and ready to move into the next century. I really think that 90% of the worlds knowledge has come in my lifetime. I have seen so much development in my lifetime. From that picture of me in that 127 black and white, plowing a horse on our farm. I was before color TV, only rotor dial phones, ice boxes or spring house. Dirt roads and 12 cent gas and never missed the Saturday matinee when we had newsreels and real heroes. Many of my friends would meet Saturday night to watch Walter Cronkite news then it was wrestling but don’t take me wrong it was well worth my 9 mile round trip walk to watch it for free, at old man Worley’s house with my friends. Mr Worley had the only tv for 25 miles. There were no cars passing to hitch hike a ride on after dark.
On Sunday we wrote real letters, licked 3cent stamps and put them in a mailbox. Then we would wait 3 to 4 weeks for a reply. I often heard my parents exclaim that we were living to fast and that the world was getting smaller (all 4 corners of it).
My how fine it is, I saw an astronaut enter the heavens and prove that the world was round. I saw Elvis, from the waist up, shake on the Ed Sullivan show, as well as that necked bear spot on Jeanie. I saw smokestacks puke soot into the sky and waste in our rivers.
Fifty years from now while sitting at a hologram with my great, great, great, grandson in my completely sanitized environment, I will explain to him how we communicated today and what a struggle it was to earn a living. In that time expansion the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experience will have created us a new Black Hole for us to find some dirt in.
Yes the LHC will change the way I live in the future.
Show this to your grand parents and ask to share some nostaligy.
God Bless
Here's Ike
Well we are just recovering from Gustav and here comes hurricane Ike. Driving down the road toward the French Quarter in Ascension Parish it looks like we haven't done any work at all, but you can trust me on this work forces have been at it and I mean for good. We have had wind gust up to 50 mph and almost a constant 30 mile wind. The flood stage has been reached and raising steadily. This is getting uncomfortable and we have only been here for 2 months and had 5 storms. Time to hit the road Molly.
We could on the Blue Ridge Parkway or Pikes Peak or even The Road to the Sun and may have to go that high if this flooding continues.
I will never plan to spend another summer vacation on the gulf coast.
By the way, I am thinking about heading to the New England for winter. Or what do you think about Nebraska. Do you think I will have good weather at one of those places for winter. like ice fishing, snowboarding or just hanging out in the bars.
Post your suggestions.
WAMU 88.5 FM American University Radio - Finding My Voice
Friday, September 12, 2008
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Did you miss the forum? Catch the replay on CNN « - Blogs from CNN.com
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Big Bang
I bet when God made all this there was a very large bang.
The big bang can be read in the first book of the KJV. There was darkness, no gravity and perfect vacuum.
It goes like this. 'My hunch is that there's a better than even chance that super symmetry will show up at the LHC, which would be good as it gives an explanation of why gravity is so weak compared with the other fundamental forces. 'I'd be puzzled if they don't find the Higgs, but wouldn't be devastated if they didn't come up with evidence for super symmetry. Rather like enzymes catalyze chemical reactions in the body, such exotic particles can efficiently catalyze nuclear fusion, obviating the need for the absurdly high temperatures necessary in conventional plasma fusion reactors and stars.
'Many physicists also think it likely that evidence will be found for super symmetry, strings, or new dimensions. If the LHC does see multiple new particles, with several different Higgs, compatible with the breaking of a unified symmetry of all forces existing at the smallest distances.
A beautiful line of argument links the mysterious patterns of the standard model to larger symmetry, hidden by cosmic superconductivity and vacuum polarization. For this to work in detail, quantitatively, we need low-energy super symmetry.
Nature is a teacher.
So now physicists will learn how to do what GOD did when HE made all this stuff. Think about this.
Scientist says to God: “Show me how you made the earth.” GOD reaches down and picks up some dirt and spoke it.
Scientist says to God “I can do that” and reaches down to get some dirt when God grabs him by the hand and says “GET YOUR OWN DIRT!”
That is the ‘Higgs” factor.
Adam (Atom) Eve (Efvpeve)
Adam is spelled wrong. Correctly spelled Atom
Scientists will discover an (Eve, however it will be spelled)and then they will know how GOD created the universe and humans. In other words GOD split His Adam and made Eve and every one of us at the same time. Still with all this knowledge and learning scientists will still dispute GOD.
Scientists hope that a new atom-smashing machine called the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will allow them to replicate the beginning of the universe and uncover truths about how it works, says Graham FarmeloL [INK]
View the video [LINK]
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Natchez Trace Parkway
There is a major hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico called Gustav and today is the 29th of August 08 just for my records. Now Molly and I are fair weather folks so it is too easy for us to get in the camper and head to higher grounds.
According to the weather channel, northern Mississippi and Alabama should provide a safe haven till the storms pass.
So here we are in a beautiful national park along the Natchez Trace Parkway.
The heaviest use of the Old Trace was from 1800 to about 1825 by men, known as "Kaintucks," who floated down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and returned north on foot. But the stories of the Old Trace reach far beyond the early 1800s. They include Mound Builders, Natchez, Choctaw, and Chickasaw Indians, preachers, bandits, slaves, soldiers, settlers, and even Meriwether Lewis. Nps.
On Friday evening we stopped in Sturgis Mississippi for two nights our weather was fine as the storm raged at a category 4 hurricane in the Gulf. Tornado warnings began to be forecast for that area so we headed on North along the Parkway. Interstates 55 and 59 were contra flow meaning all lanes went north as those are evacuation routes. The parkway was so quite and peaceful with very little traffic. We took about 9 hours to drive 150 miles, stopping to enjoy life and relive history of what must have been hard times in this great land we call America. The trail itself has a long and rich history, filled with brave explorers, dastardly outlaws and daring settlers.
As I drove along in the comfort of the truck, my mind thought of the Indian disputes, bed and breakfast, beer houses, blacksmiths, farmers, lawmen and preachers of the day. Gustavo has done its damage
Please feel free to visit my sites for more about Molly and me.
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